High-Level steps to complete an electronic manufacturing record in DataNinja.
Before following these steps you need a BOM version configured and released and to have scheduling-production to be able to proceed with step 1 below:
1. Production Plan
Open the Production Calendar by clicking on the "Production Plan" tab on the left side of the screen.
2. Open the Manufacturing Record
Click on the scheduled batch calendar "colored dot" then click on the identifier (Lot Number) to open the record.
3. Execute!
Produced Batch Information
This section contains header details about the lot getting produced as well as links to reference docs attached to the BOM Version or BOM Part, Date of Expiration, Planned Quantity, and more. Aside from the BOM version, Part Number all fields can be updated.
Produced Quantity
Batch yield is recorded in the Produced Quantity section via printing barcodes for the inventory generated through manufacturing, only printers with the corresponding label template for manufacturing will show in this section, and you can select the closest to your production area, to change the printer click on the arrow to discover the dropdown and click to select.
You can print one or multiple labels at once, to do one at a time enter your Yield Quantity and click the blue print button, this will send the label to print to the pre-selected printer. To print multiple select "Print Multiple" via the down arrow on the left side of the "Print" button, this action will display a new side window in which you need to enter the quantity per label, how many labels, and click print. This will auto-increase your yield quantity (Number of printed Labels times Quantity per Label equals Yield). Within this window, you can also change the printer, assign License Plate for the printed labels, and change the Into location. Increase button by default ON.
Within this section, there is an options button that will allow you to set the "Into Inventory Location", assign License Plate, and use a scale to weigh produce quantities. These are hidden by default so you need to select them to be able to see them within your record.
Something to take into consideration is that the License Plate displayed will be related to as many labels your print, for better practices Data Ninja suggests an LP (License Plate) per pallet.
Need to print multiple barcodes all at once?
Select "Print Multiple" via the down arrow on the left side of the "Print" button.
Edit Produced Quantity Data Ninja allows you to correct your produced quantities, you can easily do this by going to the barcode line that you need to edit and left click on the quantity, this will open an editable box > enter the new quantity and hit enter or click outside of the box, this will save your changes.
Reprint Produced Labels When there is the need to reprint labels due to damage or any reason possible, you have the option to print multiple or one at a time. To print multiple you need to mark all the needed check boxes located on the left side of the identifier > a Batch Actions button will appear > select Print Batch Labels. For individuals go to the actions column and click the down arrow and select the print batch label option.
Transacted Parts Information
This section is for recording inputs. There are multiple ways to enter utilized materials:
a) Scan the barcodes on the labels of the materials getting used, the system will automatically allocate and transfer the inventory from this barcode to the MFG record it's getting scanned to. Depending on your company settings, the system will be issued all inventory or required. (Recommended)
b) Issue materials used by location, to do that you simply click the view locations button next to the part, and a side window with all the locations that contain inventory for this part > then click use.
c) Issue materials using a Kanban location by clicking on the arrow next to the View Location button.
d) Issue materials by weight, to be able to do so, proceed and click the same arrow as before and select weigh > select the scale getting used, and scanned the barcode of the material, this tool is greatly convenient to do actuals.
Edit/Update Transacted Parts To edit the quantity you simply will go to the line for the relevant material you wish to edit and click into the quantity, this will open a popup window asking you to update consumed quantity > then select OK.Delete transacted parts To remove transacted materials, go to the line for the relevant material you wish to remove and click the trash icon next to the quantity.
Focus on Recording Actuals
Verify/edit each scanned quantity to ensure the manufacturing record matches what was actually used.
Process Steps
This section or sections if multiple, depending on your Manufacturing Master Record entered previously when BOM version configured and released the Process Steps may vary.
Process Steps are a group of various fields that required input from the user to complete the Manufacturing Record, this will replace the data collection that was filled out on paper before. Additionally, process steps can capture relevant equipment utilized, work center costing data, and step-specific Transacted Parts, as well as track the actual time to complete the step. A process step can contain as many attributes are needed.
Attributes can be required or not, and types can vary: Text, Number (range), Date, CheckBox, CheckBox Expected Values set, and File.
This section exists to optionally record additional equipment utilized in the production process.
4. Review and Electronic Signatures
Completing the manufacturing record's approval steps will complete the manufacturing record and release the inventory lot pre-produced. The order and quantity of role-based electronic signatures required are configured in the BOM Approval Steps. To esign for the current approval step, tap "Sign" at the bottom right of the Electronic Manufacturing Record.
Enter CFR 21 part 11 compliant electronic signature via entering username and password.
Updated 2 months ago