Getting Ready to Connect with QuickBooks Online

Three timing strategies for a clean cut over to real-time inventory tracking and controls.

Before selecting your timing strategy for connecting DataNinja and QuickBooks Online you should be familiar with:

Strategy A: Connect After Physical Inventory

This method is best for companies that already track inventory in QuickBooks. If you already have a nearly accurate inventory in QuickBooks Online, use these steps to control your cutover to DataNinja driving inventory quantities in QuickBooks Online.

Steps to Run:

  1. Complete Initial Data Load in DataNinja.
  2. Verify and/or populate the SAME inventory items in QuickBooks Online as parts in DataNinja upload.
  3. Preform a physical Inventory and record that in DataNinja (Everything Barcoded) .
  4. Compare quantities of each QuickBooks Inventory Item to each DataNinja Part.
  5. Connect DataNinja with QuickBooks.
  6. Verify and appropriately categorize variances.

Strategy B: Connect After Initial Data Load

  1. Complete Initial Data Load in DataNinja.
  2. Connect DataNinja with QuickBooks.
  3. Complete your First Physical Inventory.
  4. Verify and appropriately categorize variances. Move negative inventory shrinkage from physical inventory.

Strategy C: Test Drive with "Burner" QuickBooks Online Account

Run strategy B on a burner demo QuickBooks Online Account.


Before Connecting to Real QuickBooks Online Account

Check with your implementation Engineer after disconnecting from the test QuickBooks Online account but BEFORE connecting to the real QuickBooks Online account. They will need to verify sync settings to ensure no test data is pushed into your live QuickBooks.