Raw Materials
Column-by-column details for the Raw Materials tab of the data load spreadsheet
A Raw Material is any inventory input that is consumed to produce WIP or Finished Good.

Part Number
Required - Alpha Numeric
Syncs with QuickBooks - Inventory Item Name
Anything uniquely tracked in inventory needs it's own part number. Add your existing part numbers to this column of the upload sheet. If you will be creating new part numbers, keep them simple. Smart part numbers are not recommended.
Recommended Part Numbering Schema
- 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003...
- Keep it simple! Let the barcode scans do the thinking for you.
- If you need to go with logic in your part numbers (not recommended). Keep it basic; for example: "BCR006" is a better Part Number than "BOTTLE-CLEAR-6oz-R".
- Use the description and class fields to "hang" additional part details on to a basic part number.
Required - Alpha Numeric
Syncs with QuickBooks - Inventory Item Sales and Purchasing Description
The description field holds the full text human readable definition/name of the part.
Used by UOM (Required)
Required - Alphabetic
Used-by Unit of Measure, is the measure most often given to this part when it is CONSUMED. For example: If a raw material is purchased by the tote, but used in manufacturing by the kg, then it's Used By UOM is "kg".
Example Units of Measure
*DataNinja supports custom units of measure
Cost per Used by UOM
Required - Numeric
*Syncs with QuickBooks - Inventory Item Cost
How much does this part cost PER the Used by Unit of Measure?
Example Costs (More than 8 decimal places supported)
Purchased by UOM (Optional)
Optional - Alphabetic
If a part is purchased in a unit of measure that is different from how it is consumed. Enter the purchasing unit here. If the unit is purchased the same way it is used, then leave this column blank. Your Implementation Engineer will help you establish unit of measure conversions.
Lot Tracked? (Required)
Required - Y/N
Will Lot Numbers and/or Expiration date be tracked for inventory of this part? Enter "Y" for yes, "N" for no.
Quarantined at Receipt?
Required - Y/N
When a new lot of this part is received, will quality approval be required before it can be used in production?
For Lot Tracked Parts Only.
If "Lot Tracked?" for this part is No, then "Quarantined at Receipt?" will also be No.
Part Class
Optional - Alpha Numeric
Syncs with QuickBooks - Inventory Item Category
Class fields are used to "tag" parts into strata for sorting, grouping, and reporting. Part Class can be used to group parts by category as well i.e. Bottles, Labels, Cold Storage, Dry Goods, Flavors etc.
Purchasing Class
Optional - Alpha Numeric
Class fields are used to "tag" parts into strata for sorting, grouping, and reporting. Leave blank if you don't yet have a need to segregate parts by how they are sourced.
Other Classifications/Categories
Optional - Alpha Numeric
Do you have additional allergens, classifications, or categories? Use this column to capture extra details not recorded elsewhere. Your Implementation Engineer will help make sure this data is captured.
Examples of Additional Classifications
Vendor Part Numbers
Updated over 3 years ago